CDC Recommendations for Exercise
CDC Recommendations for Exercise Read More »
To lose weight and keep it off, Ellen recommends the following: 1. Weight training 2x/week. 2. 200 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week. 3. Eat all the fruits and vegetables you can daily. 4. Drink 64 ounces of water. 5. One gram of protein for every 2 lbs of body weight. 6. Avoid fats like the
Want to lose weight and keep it off? Read More »
Now that summer is right around the corner and fruits and vegetables are abundant, I thought it was time to start my Fruit & Vegetable of the Month again. Since strawberries are so readily available at this time and not expensive, So, here is the low down: 1 cup of Strawberries has 49 calories. Strawberries
Strawberries – Ellen's Fruit of the Month Read More »
What effects has it had on me? I find that I eat less, consume less calories, my metabolic rate is faster, I recover faster from workouts, and am not craving animal proteins that have cholesterol and fat in them. Do doctors recommend it? Most physicians know little about nutrition or diet believe it or not.
Ellen's Take on Whey Protein Read More »