N2SHAPE Group Training Workouts for the 2nd Week of 2013

Small Group Training workouts Schedule for 2nd week of 2013 by N2SHAPE.COM

1/7 Mon

6:00 am Spinning,  GroupX, Trainer:  Ellen, Tower in Tysons Corner
10:00 am  Group Training, Trainer:  Michelle LA Boxing in Tysons Corner Michelle, Dolores, Karen
6:00 pm  Group Training , Trainer:  Susan, Tower in Tysons Corner  –  Maryl, Diane Fitz

6:15 pm    Spin & Train, Trainer: Ellen, Tower in Tysons Corner  –  Marcia, Katie, Ayesha, Diane Fr, Maria F
6:45 pm Boot Camp, GroupX, Trainer:  Michelle, River House in Pentagon City

1/8   Tues

1145 am Yoga, Instructor: Anne, FCA in McLean, VA  (private)
700 pm Fusion Yoga, Instructor:  Catha, River House in Pentagon City

1/9 Wed

6:00 am Spinning, GroupX, Trainer:  Ellen, Tower in Tysons Corner
10:00 am  Group Training, Trainer:  Michelle LA Boxing in Tysons Corner Michelle, Dolores, Karen, Valerie, Fran
6:00 pm  Group Training , Trainer:  Michelle, Leisure Fitness  in Tysons Corner  –  Maria F, Diane Fitz, Katie, Marcia

1/10 Thurs

6am Group Training, Trainer:  Michelle, LA Boxing in Tysons Corner –  Julie, Vanesa, Katie, Ayesha, Michael

830 am Spinning, Group X, Trainer:  Ellen, The Pilates Room in McLean

1/11 Fri

6:00 am Spinning, GroupX, Trainer: Ellen, Tower in Tysons Corner

1/12 Sat

730 am Boot Camp,GroupX,  Trainer:  Ellen & Michelle, LA Boxing in Tysons Corner
830 am Spinning, GroupX, Trainer: Ellen, Tower in Tysons Corner
830 am Group Training, Trainer: Michelle & Sam, LA Boxing in Tysons Corner – Diane, Doug, Dolores, Armida

  1. The Weekly Group Training & Exercise Schedule is listed under our blog on our website, http://n2shape.com/category/blog/
  2. The members listed are those enrolled in N2SHAPE’s Group Personal Training Program.
  3.  Group Exercise Classes are listed for your convenience.  Members who make a group exercise reservation are not listed.
  4.  N2SHAPE has a 48 hour cancellation policy for Group Training  and a 24 hour cancellation policy for all group exercise classes.
  5.  Group Exercise classes are open to anyone that would like to drop-in for $20 per class or purchase a 10 pack @ $15 per class.

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