It’s been a long time since I posted on our blog as we have been busy looking for an alternate location as our current one is being renovated. In the process of pounding the pavement, we have found many options – a studio that can be called our own (in Tyson’s Corner still). The details are being worked out as well as build out beginning. We are not sure if it will be ready by March 1 but of course, have alternate locations to keep our bodies N2SHAPE. We will communicate this to you and where you should report in the interim (no salute necessary).
One thing that my coaches and consultants remind me of is to begin with the end in mind – what is the ultimate goal? The ultimate goal is to have a Training & Spinning studio under one roof where you, the client, feels like it is your second home. We are excited to finally be reaching our final resting place.
I want to thank all of you for standing by us this last year in our state of transition. Your love, loyalty, and support do not go unnoticed. My apologies if I have not expressed it to you personally especially when love is in the air – Tuesday is Valentine’s Day! You all are my sweeties for Valentine’s Day as you have been steadfast in your love and support!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,