by Ellen Yates, N2SHAPE,
Equipment Needed: Stability Ball, Medium Tubing, 2 Dumbbells
Stability Ball (20 reps)
Ball Squats (holding weight if tolerated)
Ball Rolls on forearms and kneeling on knees
Ball Crunches
Ball Lunges (holding dumbbells)
Ball Chest Presses
Ball Bicep Curls
Ball Overhead Presses
Ball Tricep Extensions
Tubing (20 reps)
Side Lateral Raises and Side Lunges
Bicep Curls
Rowing (wrap around pole)
Abduction with Tubing
Tricep Extensions
Front Lateral Raises
Leg Circles with Tubing
Body Weight
Pushups (20)
Wall Sit (60 seconds)
Plank (60 seconds)
Side Lunges (20)
Dips (20)
Leg Raises (20 on each leg)
Side Plank (up to 60 sec on each side)