The latest research found that diabetes causes 12 percent of deaths in the United States which makes it the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Researchers also found (a study from the US National Health Interview Survey and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that Americans with diabetes have about a 90 percent higher death rate than those without diabetes. They noted that diabetes as the “underlying cause of death” has been significantly underreported in the United States.
Regular activity is a key part of managing diabetes along with proper meal planning, taking medications as prescribed, and stress management. Even if you don’t lose a pound from exercise, it helps in so many other ways. When you are active, your cells become more sensitive to insulin so it works more efficiently. Your cells also remove glucose from the blood using a mechanism totally separate from insulin during exercise. Exercising can consistently lower blood glucose and improve your A1C. When you lower your A1C, you may be able to take fewer diabetes pills or less insulin.
There are many other benefits to exercise as well. As I tell my clients, we don’t churn butter anymore or “till the fields” – we drive to the store to buy butter and vegetables. We don’t move much and are basically sedentary in front of computers or on our phones. Our bodies were made to MOVE and not be sedentary. This is one of the major reasons why Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the United States.
So how can we lower our risk? Start moving. There are so many other benefits to exercise as well.
Benefits of Regular Exercise
- lowers your risk for heart disease and cholesterol stroke
- burns calories to help you lose or maintain weight
- increases your energy for daily activities
- helps you sleep better
- relieves stress
- strengthens your heart and improves your blood circulation
- strengthens your muscles and bones
- keeps your joints flexible
- improves your balance to prevent falls
- reduces symptoms of depression and improves quality of life
You’ll see these benefits even if you haven’t been very active before.
Don’t know how to get started? N2SHAPE specializes in making people healthy through exercise. We will help you get started by giving you a free consultation. We provide exercise programs that will improve your health & well being and will be designed with your needs, budget and schedule in mind.
Take the first step to get started